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  1. Earlier
  2. Custom NPC Creation Tool:

    • A user-friendly VGUI to create NPCs.

      Options to set NPC roles, such as:

    • Vendors (with configurable inventories and prices).

    • Guards (with patrol routes and combat settings).

    • Quest-givers (assigning tasks or missions).

      Behavior Configuration:

    • Patrol routes with waypoints.

    • Aggression settings (hostile, neutral, friendly).

    • Dialogue options (single-line or branching dialogue trees).


    • Support for custom models, animations, and skins.

    • Ability to assign unique names, voices and/or sound effects.

    • Configurable spawn points or dynamic spawning.

  3. Simple script that adds the following for RP servers-
    - Comms
    - Local Comms
    - Local Out Of Character

    - Easy and clean config
    - Complete control over commands
    - Small and optimized for servers of any size

    This addon can also be found on the steam workshop - here
    Please report any bugs to our official discord - here
    Addon version: 1.0

  4. Effortlessly create and manage teleporters with this addon! Place teleporters using the toolgun, customize settings, and teleport with a single click. Perfect for taking RP to the next level

    - Multi-map support; allowing you hassle free set up for multiple maps
    - Simple set-up
    - Complete control over sounds, teleport locations, teleport names, teleport timing and re-naming the teleport console to fit your community
    - Optimized for servers of any size

    - Secure of any exploits
    - Works on any GameMode

    Video: https://youtu.be/3DjQ31yODN4
    Required content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=284266415&searchtext=scifi
    Please report any bugs to our official discord - here
    Addon version: 0.3

  5. DuskFall posted a file in DarkRP
    • Version 1.0.0
    Simple script that adds the following for RP servers- - Comms - Local Comms - Local Out Of Character Features: - Easy and clean config - Complete control over commands - Small and optimized for servers of any size You may also find this on the Steam Workshop - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3360513964
  6. The Toodster joined the community
    • Version 1.0.0
    Details Coming soon!
  7. Muffin_ joined the community
  8. System changed their profile photo
  9. System joined the community
  10. Jedson started following Pixel
  11. Jedson started following UnknownGamerz
  12. Jedson started following DuskFall
  13. Jedson joined the community
  14. Pixel joined the community
  15. UnknownGamerz changed their profile photo
  16. DuskFall changed their profile photo
  17. UnknownGamerz joined the community
  18. DuskFall posted an article in Articles
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